Why You Should Stay With The Same Groomer For Your Pets Lifetime

Our last blog post covered how to choose the right groomer in an unregulated industry, click here to read that article if you haven’t! This week in part 2 of the groomers series, we are going to discuss why it is important once you have chosen the right groomer, to stay with them for the lifetime of your pet or for as long as possible.

Obviously there can be constrictions to this as your groomer may stop grooming, they may move away, you may move or as your pet gets older they may not be the right fit anymore. Below you will find information on why you should stay with the same groomer for as long as possible for less stress on you and for the happiness/health of your pet.

They Build Trust With Their Groomer

Some pets have a hard time trusting people they don’t know very well! Also, Imagine a complete stranger touching you all over your body, including places you don’t like being touched! Scary right?

If your pet has a regular grooming schedule and the groomer is the right fit for them, they will gain trust in their groomer which can greatly reduce their stress level while being groomed. Not to mention, making the groomers job easier as well! Some pets get very attached to their groomers and changing can be stressful for them!

Something To Think About:

Going to the same business but using different people to groom your pet is not the same as getting the same groomer every time! 

Some grooming shops have many different groomers,  you may have to specifically request the groomer you want your pet booked in with. Animals get comfortable with the person who is grooming them and every groomer can have varying handling techniques and processes they use which can throw off pets.

To keep your pets stress down while at the groomers be sure to always request the same person to groom them. This is why it is important to choose not just the right business but the right groomer at that place for your pet!

“A pet who is groomed on a regular schedule sees it as a way of life, those groomed once a year see it as torture!”

Groomers Can Detect Changes In Your Pets Health

When grooming an animal, groomers have their hands and eyes on every area of the pets body- even more so then their owners do! Since this is the case, it is very easy for groomers to pick up on a change in the animals health or behavior. They may discover a new lump that wasn’t there at fluffy’s last appointment, a possible ear infection or even if an animal snaps while working on an area they have never reacted to before can indicate possible pain or that something is going on in that area.

Especially as your pet ages, it is important to talk with your groomer and let them know that you would like to be informed of any changes they notice and to keep an eye out for them. You can also provide them with a body evaluation sheet to record any changes in their body or demeanor. It can also be helpful to keep track of growth rates of bumps etc. so you can communicate this information with your veterinarian. (Custom evaluation template coming soon!)

Less Stress For You

Lets face it, life is full of commitments and stress! The less stress we have in our lives, the more quality time we can spend with our family and pets.

When you know exactly where the grooming shop is located, you trust the groomer, you know the quality of their work is great, your pet is safe and happy then that takes tons of stress off of you!

Save yourself the stress of leaving your pet with a different groomer, at a different salon every time and choose a groomer you trust and stick with them!

Periodically Reevaluate 

Every so often check in with yourself and make sure both the salon and the groomer are meeting your pets needs. As your pet ages their needs may change, grooming shops may change management, your gut feeling may change and that is all okay! Only stick with the same groomer if it is working for you and your pet.

It is okay to reevaluate, change your mind and find a different groomer that will meet your needs!


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