Frequently Asked Questions

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It works on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level to clear any emotions, experiences, disease, beliefs or habits that no longer serve us. It releases blocked energy, promotes relaxation, reduces stress and provides an overall feeling of well-being.

Is it a religion?

No! Reiki works independently of any religious or spiritual beliefs and it is concerned with energy channels in the body. You can be of any or no religion to practice or receive reiki.

What can I expect?

An in-person session is done with the animal or person comfortably sitting or laying down, if the client is a person they are asked whether they would prefer hands on or hands off.

In the case of animals, I only do what each individual animal is comfortable with and is sometimes conducted from the other side of the room if they are uncomfortable. The reiki energy flows through the practitioners hands and to the areas needing healing.

What does it feel like?

Reiki feels different for everyone, often times it is very calming/relaxing and its not uncommon for people or animals to fall asleep! Reiki can sometimes be emotionally intense if we are working on releasing emotions or situations. Usually the client can feel either warm/cool/tingling where the practitioner is working. When I am receiving a session I can feel the energy running through my whole body and my stomach grumbles the entire time!

What if I don’t live where you do?

No problem, I offer distance reiki sessions which are recorded!

How does a distance session work? Is it as effective?

Before a distance session I will ask a few questions and set up a time it will be conducted. I often ask that during the time I am doing the session that the recipient is resting or doing something that doesn’t require a lot of energy. I use a proxy to work on the client from afar. Absolutely it is as effective as in person! My distance sessions are recorded to ensure you don’t miss out on any messages or information that comes up in your session!

How can Reiki help me or my pets?

Some of the many things reiki can help with: physical ailments, pain, anxiety, depression, stress reduction and relaxation, behavioral problems, fatigue, clear old thought patterns, heal past situations/emotions attached to them, aids sleep, balance emotions, helps the grieving process, strengthens self-esteem.

What do you mean by intuitive Reiki, how is it different than regular Reiki?

A “classic” reiki session is when the practitioner either does a hands on or distance session sending the reiki energy. An intuitive reiki session is just as it sounds, it is conducted intuitively! I work on the areas I feel most guided to work on and often receive information about ailments or messages to pass along.

Do you receive messages?

Often times I do, I always ask before the session if you would like to hear any messages or things I pick up on.

Can a reiki session be added to a grooming appointment?

Yes, of course! I will just need to know when you are booking your pets grooming appointment that you would like to add on a reiki session so I can book enough time to complete both.

Reiki Blog Posts

A Lesson From An Animal Reiki Session

If you are more science minded, click here to check out a video on studies being done on Reiki at Harvard!

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