Rescue Resources

General Searches

Adopt a Pet and Petfinder both allow you to search by your location, type of animal, size, breed etc! Do note that not all of the rescues, SPCA’s, humane society’s in your area will post their available animals on these sites so it is also helpful to do a Google search as well!

Adopt A 

Rescuing animals from high kill shelters in the U.S.

If you live in the United States you can go directly to a local high kill shelter to adopt, here are some resources for those searching for dogs in different states or Canadians wanting to adopt across the boarder.

Dogs in Danger– This is a site based in the united states. Dogs are posted on the website by shelter staff and volunteers to try to get them adopted from kill shelters before their euthanasia date. Please be mindful before viewing the site, every dog posted has how many days they have left on their profile, which may be upsetting to some viewers.

Hope for Love Rescue- Their mission is to save dogs from high kill shelters in the states and adopt them to loving families in Canada!

Rescuing from the meat trade:

It is in my heart to one day save a dog from the horrific dog meat trade, because of this I follow many rescues and activists on the topic.

Image result for dog meat trade on trucks

Save Korean Dogs- Founder Nami Kim, “works with several groups that are on the front line in the battle against the Korean dog meat trade. Working tirelessly to save as many dogs as possible from this barbaric cruelty, the team also campaign vigorously and work to educate people on the horrors they contribute to by eating man’s best friend.” They adopt out their dogs to many countries and can also be found on facebook.

Soi Dog Foundation- Soi dog’s shelter is based in Phuket Thailand. They have a stray sterilization program for the over 50,000 dogs and cats that roam the island, rescue and treat animals as well as work on ending the dog meat trade. “Soi Dog has been successful in effectively ending Thailand’s dog meat trade and is actively expanding its efforts to neighbouring countries where little is being done to address the issue.”

The Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation. They currently only adopt out to California but in my opinion are one of the best resources on the topic, especially through Facebook. Founder Marc Ching has dedicated his life to the cause. Please be cautious when viewing their content as some may be graphic. Here are a few quotes from their website to highlight their focus:

“Once learning about the brutal practice of torturing dogs before slaughtering them for meat during the Yulin Dog Meat Festival in China, Ching knew that his life would never be the same; but fortunately, neither would the lives of thousands of dogs he has and continues to rescue with each mission he takes to the battlegrounds in Asia. 

Posing as a wealthy American buyer looking to purchase dogs in Asia to exterminate himself, Ching goes undercover to slaughterhouses and secretly videotapes the torture of innocent dogs. A dangerous feat, Ching has often found himself on the other side of guns, machetes, fists and other life-threatening intimidation methods while on these gruelling rescue trips.”

By raising awareness, Ching and the AHWF aim to expose the world to the unimaginable anguish and suffering that these dogs endure in order to enact change and force the government to create laws to protect these precious animals from this unfounded, barbaric and cruel tradition.” 

Lets work together to find every homeless and neglected animal a loving home!

If you have any other rescue resources that you think would be a value to others please message us through the contact page!

Rescue blog posts:

I Adopted Your Dog Today

If Animals Could Talk- A Thought Provoking Poem