Why You Should Forgive Your Pet Groomer

This week in part 3 and the final article of the groomers series, we are going to discuss why after you choose the right groomer you may need to forgive them. If you haven’t read part 1 or 2 of this series, please do as this post builds off of them. You can find them here:

Part 1- Choosing The Right Groomer In An Unregulated Industry

Part 2- Why You Should Stay With The Same Groomer For Your Pets Lifetime

Now that you are all caught up on our previous articles and know why it is SO important to choose the right groomer for you and your pet, I would like to talk about why in some situations you may need to forgive your groomer.

About Groomers

Here is the thing, groomers are human! They make mistakes! Also, if you have chosen the right groomer that is in it for the right reasons they care about the pets they groom, a lot!

Mistakes And Accidents Happen

Whether your groomer messed up your pets hair cut, forgot to clip a toe nail or even nicked your pet, if you truly trust them- please, be understanding and forgive them!

I touched on this a bit in Choosing The Right Groomer In An Unregulated Industry but I can almost guarantee every groomer has made a mistake, forgot something, or yes, even accidentally cut a pet. Groomers work all day with sharp objects on sometimes jumpy, unstable, moving targets- accidents happen!! An honest groomer should be able to explain what happened transparently and do their best to remedy the situation.

The Truth Is

When you find the right groomer who truly cares, you know they always do their best. The groomers who truly care are also those who often lay awake at night and feel awful about what they did wrong. They even feel bad when injuries that weren’t their fault (resulting from matting, medical conditions etc) occurred. Try your best to be understanding of the situation and circumstances.

As stated in both of the previous articles, always trust your gut. If something feels off, it probably is. Of course no owner wants their pet to come home with a messed up groom or an injury but if you can trust your groomer, you can understand that they did their very best and they care.


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